One morning, their master’s wife boiled a pot of water to cook beans for her family. She had used a sieve to separate the beans from the stones. Suddenly, it began to rain, and the wife went to retrieve some bowls in order to collect rainwater. As soon as she left, Goat and Antelope entered the kitchen and devoured the beans. When the wife discovered this, she told the owner of the incident, and both began to beat Goat and Antelope like they had never done before.
The beatings were so severe that Goat and Antelope had to be taken to the neighboring village for treatment. After they recovered and returned home, Antelope decided that she couldn’t bear the beatings anymore. Goat pleaded with her to bear the pain. She knew she had to bear the pain to survive, but Antelope refused goat’s plea because she knew she could survive in the bush without their tamers.
Once again, Goat and Antelope ate their owners’ yam, and were threatened with another beating. Before the owners managed to act, Antelope told Goat that she could not stand another punishment, and ran away. Because Antelope knew that she could fend for herself, she was able to escape punishment.